Add a field that shows a list of available slots that the user can use to create an appointment. The field can also add restrictions like allowing x number of appointments at the same time or day.
Main Settings
Appointment Duration: The duration of each slot
Time format: 24 or AM/PM
Intervals: The allowed range of times when the users can create appointments. You can create different intervals for different dates (for example you could create different appointment intervals for weekends).
Holiday: Define holidays, no appointments are allowed on holidays
Minimum Date: The minimum date when an appointment is allowed
Maximum Date: The maximum date when an appointment is allowed
Maximum appointments per slot: Define the maximum number of appointments allowed by a single slot
Maximum appointments per day: Maximum number of appointments in a single day
Styling options
With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc
Condition Options
With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):
- Show hide: to hide or show the field
- Required: To make the field required