
Posted by:

Include a header with a separation line in your form

Main Settings

Title: A text with custom formatting that is added at the top of the row

Style: The style of the row (solid, dotted, dashed).

Color: The color of the row

Icon: An icon that is added beside the divider text

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc



Posted by:

Add an image to your form

Main Settings

Alignment: Define the position of the image, the allowed positions are

  • Left: Left align the image
  • Center: Center align the image
  • Right: Right align the image
  • Stretch: Expand the image to make it as big as the field
  • Banner: Configure the image as a banner

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid


Simple Text

Posted by:

A configurable formatted text, perfect for displaying instructions or additional comments regarding the form

This formatted text can also contain values from other fields

Main Settings

Text Position: Define the position of the simple text (left, right, bottom)

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid


Chained Select

Posted by:

Import a CSV (excel) file to create Year/Make/Model style type of field. One dropdown for each column and the values of the next dropdown are changed depending on the values selected.

Main Settings

Alignment: Place all the dropdowns in one single line or one dropdown per line

Empty placeholder: The text that the dropdown show when no value has ben selected

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Option: Define a price for each item
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

A field that can contain other fields. It will display their fields in a floating box in the corner of the screen (useful for big forms to display the total of it). On small devices (like mobiles) this float box act as a normal group panel field.

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid


Posted by:

A custom HTML code that can be added to your form

You can also add values from other fields in this HTML code

Main Settings

Text Position: Define the position of the HTML code (left, right and bottom)

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid


Date Range

Posted by:

A field with two date pickers where the user can select a start and end date

Main Settings

Placeholder: A placeholder for the empty start and end date

Default date: Default start and end date

Add time picker: Add a time picker to the date range

Format: Format of the date and time

First day of the week: Define what is the first day of the week that is going to be shown in the calendar

Disable day of the week: Define what are the selectable days of the week

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Price per day: Define a day for each day in the date range
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price

Group Panel

Posted by:

A field that can contain other fields, you can use this, stile a group of fields, move them easily, or create templates for all of them

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid


Image Picker

Posted by:

A list of images that the user can pick from

Main Settings

Image width: The max width of each image

Image Height: The max width of each image

Allow Multiple: Allow you to select more than one image

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Quantity: This field is going to be used to specify the quantity of the form (the price of the form is multiplied by the quantity of the form to calculate the final total)
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price
  • Options: Define a price for each option

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