Show fields only to specific roles

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You can configure fields to be visible only to specific roles

When this is usefull

You could add fields that are only going to be view or edited by specific users, for example an “Order Notes” that is only going to be visible and managed by the administrators of the site.

To do so do the following:

1.- Select a field, then go to “Conditions” and check “Enable Show/Hide Conditions”

2.- If the “Field” column select “User Role”

3.- Select the user roles that can view this field


Restrict the number of times a form can be submitted

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To limit the form to be submitted an specific amount of times (either in total or per user) do the following:

1.- Go to Settings/Restrictions and check “Limit the number of times the form can be submitted”

2.- Select a limit type

Limit total number of submissions: The form can be submitted a total of x times

Limit submission per user: Each user can submit the form x number of times

3.- Configure the maximum number of submission

4.- Define an error message, this error message is going to be show if the user try to view or submit a form that already reached the limit.


Restrict form to only logged in users

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To show the form only to logged in users do the following:

1.- Go to Settings/Restrictions and check “Must be logged in to view the form”

2.- Define an error message, this message will be shown instead of the form when the user is not logged in


Limit the number of times a value is submitted

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You can configure how many times the same value in a field can be submitted, to do so follow these steps:

1.- Go to restrictions, and check “Limit the number of times the same value on a field can be submitted”.

Select the fields that you want to have this restriction

Configure an error message, this message support tags

And that’s it! Now the form will validate that the field doesn’t exceed the limit and if so it will show the configured message