
Creating WorkFlows

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You can also create workflows with the plugin, for example after a user submit a form you can send it to a “Validation” team which would do adjustments or add notes to it and then approve it (which would send the form to another team or would inform the user that its submission was approved).

To create workflows you need to do the following

1.- Set the initial status of the submission

By default each submission is marked as complete but if you want to do additional actions before completing it you can change its default status in the “Settings” tab of your form:

2.- Send an email when the form reaches an specific status

For example you might want to send an email to the validation team when the form reach the status of “Awaiting Approval” and another to the user that submitted the form once its submission was approved.

To do so you can use conditional logic

For this specific scenario you will want to create two emails:

One that is send to the approval team when the form is initially submitted (Which were configured to mark the submission as “Awaiting Approval”). This email would use this conditional logic:

And another when the form is marked as completed, the conditional logic for this email would be this:

3.- Allow specific users to edit the submission

You want the validation team to be able to change the status of the form (to approved or rejected for example) or even change the form. The easiest way to do this is include a link to the submission in the email that they receive. To do so, in the email builder add a link, a panel will pop up

and in the link type select “To view/edit this submission”

If you also want them to be able to edit the form click in “Allow Edition”

This will add a secure link to the form that will let them edit this specific entry.

3b.- (Optimal) Add admin fields to the form

You might want to have administrative fields (fields that are only visible to the administrators). You can do this by creating fields that are visible to specific user roles (like administrators) like this

And that’s it! With this configuration when the user submit a form it is first going to be send to the validation team which will be able to either approve it or reject it.


About the Author:

Im programmer working for an international company. I have programmed since i was 12 and i have done it professionally for 6 years. Programming for a company is fun and i have learned a lot of things but i have always been interested in running my own business so i decided to give it a shot doing what i do best, programming stuffs.
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