How to create dynamic term of services
Do you want to offer multiple services in a form? Does your term of service vary depending on the selected services? If so this tutorial… Read More »How to create dynamic term of services
Do you want to offer multiple services in a form? Does your term of service vary depending on the selected services? If so this tutorial… Read More »How to create dynamic term of services
Do you want to create a delivery or transportation form? In that case, you might want to have a different pricing depending on the destination.… Read More »How to create a cost per mile calculator for free
Learn how to create (or just download) a cleaning service calculator that calculates the price and time needed to finish the service
Do you want to receive an email when a customer submits a form but doesn’t want to save it on your site? Or maybe you… Read More »How to automatically delete records (or not save them at all)
This guide will teach you everything you need to know about customizing emails. From how to change the color of a text to how to add conditional text.
Read More »How to customize your emails, a complete guideDo you want to create coupons and discounts in your form? The order forms can apply discounts in several different ways, maybe it is a fixed discount, maybe is % of the total order price or maybe it is a complex discount that applies only when a condition is met (like only to a specific product, when a coupon is submitted or when certain users are doing the purchase).
Read More »How to create coupons and discounts in your formsShow/Hide Step condition is a fantastic way to make your workflows smarter and more efficient. With multiple steps form you can split a big form into steps and with this new feature you can show only the steps that your customer is interested in.
Read More »Introducing Show/Hide step conditionBooking forms are an essential tool for hotels looking to streamline their reservation process and provide a seamless booking experience for their guests. By creating a user-friendly and efficient booking form, you can attract more customers, increase your revenue, and enhance customer satisfaction.
In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through the process of creating a booking form. I will discuss the following topics:
Read More »How to create an Hotel Booking form, an step by step guideWith version 1.76 of the essentail add on a QR Scanner field was added.
The button counter is a nice way to let your customers pick a number without using the keyboard.