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Free Fields


A field where you can add other fields in it and will, depending on its configuration, repeat them x number of times or when the… Read More »Repeater


A field with a configurable number of stars Main Settings Default Text: The default number of selected stars Number of items: The number of starts… Read More »Rating


A survey table with a configurable number of columns and rows Main Settings Rows: The rows to use in the survey table Columns: The columns… Read More »Survey


Add a textbox that allows website URLs Main Settings Icon: Custom icon or image that is shown at the beginning of the box Placeholder: A… Read More »Website


Add a field that hides its content Main Settings Icon: Custom icon or image that is shown at the beginning of the box Placeholder: A… Read More »Password


Add a recaptcha field to validate if the user is not a bot Main Settings You can configure this field in the settings page of… Read More »Recaptcha

Hidden Field

A field that is hidden but can be used to calculate a price or in formulas, you can also use this field on emails or… Read More »Hidden Field

Action Button

Add a button to the form, this button can be used to submit the form, clear it or do a custom action Main Settings Action:… Read More »Action Button


A field that displays the total price of a form Main Settings Text Position: The position of the total (Bottom, left, right) Styling options With… Read More »Total