Color Picker

Posted by:

A field where the user can choose a color

Main Settings

Default Color: The default color of the date picker

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price


Mask Demo

Posted by:

A field that you can use to accept inputs with a specific format (excellent for accepting phone numbers or credit cards)

Main Settings

Icon: Custom icon or image that is shown at the beginning of the field

Placeholder: A text that is shown when the field is not filled

Default Text: The text that is displayed by default when the form is loaded

Mask Type: The mask that you want to include in your field

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Settings Calculations Support

You can include calculations in the following setting(s), for more information about calculations please check the formula settings tutorial:

  • Default Value



Posted by:

A field that displays a date picker when clicked

Main Settings

Icon: Custom icon or image that is shown at the beginning of the box

Placeholder: A text that is shown when the field is not filled

Default Date: The default date that the field shows

Add Time Picker: Include a time picker within the date picker

Format: The date format that the field is going to use (For a list of all the formatting options check the tutorial Formatting Options)

Disable day of weeks: Define which days of the week are selectable

Maximum Date: Define a maximum date for the selectable dates

Minimum Date: Define a minimum date for the selectable dates

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Settings Calculations Support

You can include calculations in the following setting(s), for more information about calculations please check the formula settings tutorial:

  • Default Date
  • Maximum Date
  • Minimum Date

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

A field where the user can input an address

Main Settings

Show address 2, city, state, zip and country: Indicate which section of the address to include in the field

Labels: Define labels and placeholders for each item (like address 2, address 2, city etc).

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

A field where the user can input an email

Main Settings

Icon: Custom icon or image that is shown at the beginning of the box

Placeholder: A text that is shown when the field is not filled

Default Text: The text that is displayed by default when the form is loaded

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Settings Calculations Support

You can include calculations in the following setting(s), for more information about calculations please check the formula settings tutorial:

  • Default Value
  • Price

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

Add a field where the user can submit the name and last name

Main Settings

Format: The kind of name field, can be first and last name or just a single name.

Labels: Define labels and placeholders for each item (first, last and single name).

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Settings Calculations Support

You can include calculations in the following setting(s), for more information about calculations please check the formula settings tutorial:

  • Fist name
  • Last name

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

A text that supports multiple lines

Main Settings

Icon: Custom icon or image that is shown at the beginning of the box

Placeholder: A text that is shown when the field is not filled

Default Text: The text that is displayed by default when the form is loaded

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid

Settings Calculations Support

You can include calculations in the following setting(s), for more information about calculations please check the formula settings tutorial:

  • Default Value
  • Price

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
  • Current Value: The value filled in this field is used as the field price (if a not numeric field is used the field price will be 0)
  • Quantity: This field is going to be used to specify the quantity of the form (the price of the form is multiplied by the quantity of the form to calculate the final total)
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price
  • Price per word: The price of the field will depend on the number of words in it
  • Price per char: The price of the field will depend on the number of characters in it



Posted by:

A checkbox field

Main Settings

Options: The list of options that the field will have

Additional Columns: You can save multiple pieces of information in one single dropdown. For example, in each option, you could save the price of the option and an attribute (like its color). You can use this information in formulas.

Layout: Place the options vertical or horizontally

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid
  • Change options: Change the options of the dropdown
  • Change option price: Change the price of each option

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Option: Define a price for each option
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

A radio field

Main Settings

Options: The list of options that the field will have

Additional Columns: You can save multiple pieces of information in one single dropdown. For example, in each option, you could save the price of the option and an attribute (like its color). You can use this information in formulas.

Layout: Place the options vertical or horizontally

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid
  • Change options: Change the options of the dropdown
  • Change option price: Change the price of each option

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Option: Define a price for each option
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price



Posted by:

A dropdown field

Main Settings

Placeholder: A text that is shown when the field is not filled

Options: The list of options that the dropdown will have

Additional Columns: You can save multiple pieces of information in one single dropdown. For example, in each option, you could save the price of the option and an attribute (like its color). You can use this information in formulas.

Styling options

With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc

Condition Options

With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):

  • Show hide: to hide or show the field
  • Required: To make the field required
  • Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid
  • Change options: Change the options of the dropdown
  • Change option price: Change the price of each option

Pricing calculation options

You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial

  • Option: Define a price for each option
  • Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price

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