Ad a google maps field in your form
Main Settings
Show address 2, city, state, zip, and country: Define which sections of the Google map address are displayed
Show map: Define if you want to show a map on Google Maps. If not checked you can still use this field to let google map autocomplete an address.
Number of markers: Define how many markets can be included on the Google map
Marker Label: Define a label for each of the markets on your google maps
Connect Points: Let google drive calculate and draw a route connecting the markers
Show address in marker: Show the full address when hovering over a marker
Styling options
With the style designer, you can change stuff like the border background color font, etc
Condition Options
With the conditions builder, you can set up 3 types of dynamic conditions (which are conditions that are triggered when a condition is met):
- Show hide: to hide or show the field
- Required: To make the field required
- Custom validation: to make the value of the field valid or invalid
Settings Calculations Support
You can include calculations in the following setting(s), for more information about calculations please check the formula settings tutorial:
- Default Value
- Price
Pricing calculation options
You can use this field to calculate a price with the following options, for more information about price calculation check the price calculation tutorial
- Fixed Amount: Set a fixed price that is used when this field is filled
- Distance between points: Define a price for each kilometer or mile and charge a price for the distance between the markers
- Formula: Use a custom calculation to define this field price