Each field have different preconfigured ways of calculating a cost called “Price Type”. You can also use formulas to do a custom calculation.
To define a Price Type go to the field settings and select a “Price Type”

Each field has different kinds of “Price Type”, bellow you can find a list of all of them and what each one does.
Name | Description |
Fixed Amount | Define a fixed price for the field, this amount is going to be added to the total if this field is filled |
Current Value | The amount typed in the field is going to be added to the total |
Price per word | Define a price for each word typed in a field |
Price per char | Define a price for each character typed |
Quantity | The current total (or subtotal) of the form is going to be multiplied by the value of this field. |
Options | Define a price for each option of a field (like each item of a dropdown or checkbox list) |
None | Don’t use this field to calculate a total |
Price per distance | Used by the google maps field, define an addres and calculate a price depending on the distance (miles/kilometers or meters) between that point and the address defined by the user. |
Price per Item | Used by the list and repeater field, define a price for each item added in those fields |
Price Per Day | Used by the date range field, calculate the number of days between two dates and calculate a price for each day. |
Quantity Per Day | Used by the date range field, calculate the total/subtotals of a field and then multiply it by the number of days between two dates. |
Formulas | Define a custom formula to calculate a price |
Creating subtotals
It is possible to have different sections calculating subtotals and at the end display a grand total. This can be done using the group and repeater fields. The calculations done in these fields are done independently and they are added at the end to calculate a ‘Grand Total’