Creating field templates

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Note: The “Essentials” add-on is needed to use field templates.

Are you tired of configuring the same field in all your forms? Do you create the same group of fields in several forms? If so using field templates will save you a ton of time.

With field templates, you can copy the settings of a field or fields inside field containers (like group panels or repeater fields). And add them to other forms easily. To create field templates do the following:

1.- Open the field designer and click on the “Export as template button”

if you copy a field container it will also copy all the fields inside it

2.- Define a template name and click on “Create”

That’s it! Now you have a template of the selected field(s)

Using a field template

To use a field template go to the “Template” sections and add the template just like you would add any other field

Deleting a field template

To view a list of your field templates or remove them go to the field template pages


Conversational Forms

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The conversational forms display each field one at a time and let the user navigate through them. This increases user engagement and submission rate.


In order to create conversational forms you will need the ‘Conversation’ add-on. Available starting from the “Pro” version of the plugin.

To create a conversational form do the following:

1.- Open a form and go to Settings/General

2.- In the “Form type” select “Conversational”

That’s it! Now your form will be shown as a conventional form, you can see an example of a conversational form here:


Register User Add On

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With the “Register user” add on you can automatically create a user within a form submission, to use it follow these steps:

1.- Install the plugin, if you haven’t installed the plugin you can log into your account and download it form there.

2.- Open the form that you want to register users and then go to ‘Settings/Register Users”

3.- Map the register user settings to fields in your form. This information is going to be used to create the user. For example, in the screenshot below the plugin will create a user with the user name defined in the field “User Name” of your form, the password with the “Password” field, and so forth.

This is my form:

And I am using this field to create the user like this:

4.- In the “Role” setting define which role the user is going to have when created, this list will vary depending on the roles that your site has

5.- Define what to do when the username already exists, You have two options:

Show error: The plugin won’t submit the form and send an error message to the person submitting the form so he can try with a different username

Ignore: The form will be submitted and no user will be created.

Create users conditionally

You might want to create a user only when a condition is met (for example when the user opts to create an account).

To do so you just need to check the “Enable Condition” box and define your condition

Adding additional meta data to the user account

Additionally, you might want to save additional information, not only the standard data like username and name. To do so you can create a new user meta and link it to a field. For example, the screenshot below will also create metadata called “Phone” and will save the “Phone” field content in there.

It is important to notice though that by default WordPress won’t show this metadata in the user dashboard, but if you want to display it you can use plugins like to display it.


Troubleshooting Error

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The plugin comes with a log that can help you detect problems, to activate and use it do the following:

1.-In the settings page, go to the “Log” tab

2.- Click in “Enable”

3.- Save the settings.

4.- Do the action that is having issues, for example, if you are having issues when the form is submitted submit the form.

5.- After executing the action that is having issues click in the download log.

6.- The log has a lot of technical information, if you are able to read it and find the problem great, but if not you can create a support ticket here:


Connect to zapier

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You can connect your form to thousands of other apps using Zapier. To connect to Zapier follow these steps


All in one forms with the Zapier add-on. You can get the Zapier add-on in the diamond version of the plugin here

Getting Started

1.- Go to the “All in one forms” settings and find your API key and site URL, you will need this information later.

2.- Go to this page to enable “All in one forms” in your Zapier account:

3.- Create a new zap using “Zapier for All in one forms”

4.- Select the event “Form Submitted” and click on “Continue”. This event will be fired every time a new entry is submitted and will send it automatically to Zapier.

5.- Connect your site to Zapier using the site and API key that you got in the first step

6.-In the field “The form you want to use” you will see a list of all the forms on your site. Select the one you want.

7.- Optional.- Test the trigger, after clicking test you should see a preview of the information retrieved from your site (in this case it will be the last entry of your selected form)

8.- Click on “Action” and define what you want to do with the entry

9.- For this tutorial, I will configure a zap to send the entry to a google sheet. My google sheet has 3 columns which are “Company”, “Product Type” and “Product”, Zapier let me map these columns to any of the fields of my form

After finishing configuring your spreadsheet you just need to click on continue and that’s it! Now the entry will be sent to Zapier automatically after an entry is submitted.


Date Formatting

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You can change the format of a date using the “Format” setting of the date picker

It supports these characters

Date Format Characters

dDay of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros01 to 31
DA textual representation of a dayMon through Sun
l (lowercase ‘L’)A full textual representation of the day of the weekSunday through Saturday
jDay of the month without leading zeros1 to 31
JDay of the month without leading zeros and ordinal suffix1st, 2nd, to 31st
wNumeric representation of the day of the week0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
WNumeric representation of the week0 (first week of the year) through 52 (last week of the year)
FA full textual representation of a monthJanuary through December
mNumeric representation of a month, with leading zero01 through 12
nNumeric representation of a month, without leading zeros1 through 12
MA short textual representation of a monthJan through Dec
UThe number of seconds since the Unix Epoch1413704993
yA two-digit representation of a year99 or 03
YA full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits1999 or 2003
ZISO Date format2017-03-04T01:23:43.000Z

Time format character

HHours (24 hours)00 to 23
hHours1 to 12
GHours, 2 digits with leading zeros1 to 12
iMinutes00 to 59
SSeconds, 2 digits00 to 59
sSeconds0, 1 to 59

Changing the language

By default, the plugin shows the dates in English but you can change them using a translation.

There are several plugins that can translate the dates. As an example, we are going to show how to do it using the free plugin Loco Translate

1.- Once loco translate is installed go to Loco Translate/Plugins

2.- Select “All in one forms”

3.- Click on “new language”

4.- Select the language that you want to use. It needs to match the language of your site

It is also recommended to host the translation file under /loco/plugins. If you place it inside the all-in-one plugin’s folder it will be deleted when you update the plugin.

5.- Click on “start translating”

6.- Look for the text that you want to translate and translate it

7.- After finishing translating the strings click in save

8.- That’s it! after saving the dates will be translated


Creating WorkFlows

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You can also create workflows with the plugin, for example after a user submit a form you can send it to a “Validation” team which would do adjustments or add notes to it and then approve it (which would send the form to another team or would inform the user that its submission was approved).

To create workflows you need to do the following

1.- Set the initial status of the submission

By default each submission is marked as complete but if you want to do additional actions before completing it you can change its default status in the “Settings” tab of your form:

2.- Send an email when the form reaches an specific status

For example you might want to send an email to the validation team when the form reach the status of “Awaiting Approval” and another to the user that submitted the form once its submission was approved.

To do so you can use conditional logic

For this specific scenario you will want to create two emails:

One that is send to the approval team when the form is initially submitted (Which were configured to mark the submission as “Awaiting Approval”). This email would use this conditional logic:

And another when the form is marked as completed, the conditional logic for this email would be this:

3.- Allow specific users to edit the submission

You want the validation team to be able to change the status of the form (to approved or rejected for example) or even change the form. The easiest way to do this is include a link to the submission in the email that they receive. To do so, in the email builder add a link, a panel will pop up

and in the link type select “To view/edit this submission”

If you also want them to be able to edit the form click in “Allow Edition”

This will add a secure link to the form that will let them edit this specific entry.

3b.- (Optimal) Add admin fields to the form

You might want to have administrative fields (fields that are only visible to the administrators). You can do this by creating fields that are visible to specific user roles (like administrators) like this

And that’s it! With this configuration when the user submit a form it is first going to be send to the validation team which will be able to either approve it or reject it.


Price Type

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Each field have different preconfigured ways of calculating a cost called “Price Type”. You can also use formulas to do a custom calculation.

To define a Price Type go to the field settings and select a “Price Type”

Each field has different kinds of “Price Type”, bellow you can find a list of all of them and what each one does.

Fixed AmountDefine a fixed price for the field, this amount is going to be added to the total if this field is filled
Current ValueThe amount typed in the field is going to be added to the total
Price per wordDefine a price for each word typed in a field
Price per charDefine a price for each character typed
QuantityThe current total (or subtotal) of the form is going to be multiplied by the value of this field.
OptionsDefine a price for each option of a field (like each item of a dropdown or checkbox list)
NoneDon’t use this field to calculate a total
Price per distanceUsed by the google maps field, define an addres and calculate a price depending on the distance (miles/kilometers or meters) between that point and the address defined by the user.
Price per ItemUsed by the list and repeater field, define a price for each item added in those fields
Price Per DayUsed by the date range field, calculate the number of days between two dates and calculate a price for each day.
Quantity Per DayUsed by the date range field, calculate the total/subtotals of a field and then multiply it by the number of days between two dates.
FormulasDefine a custom formula to calculate a price

Creating subtotals

It is possible to have different sections calculating subtotals and at the end display a grand total. This can be done using the group and repeater fields. The calculations done in these fields are done independently and they are added at the end to calculate a ‘Grand Total’


Using Tags

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Tags can be used to insert the value of a field or attribute (like the submission date and id) in a text. There are many settings that support tags like the email settings, entry numbering and confirmation panel.

To use tags click in the tag icon, a pop up will be shown

Select the field or attribute that you want to add

This will add the tag to the text